Monday, March 1, 2010


Where and when did the sense of entitlement in America originate? I know it wasn't there when I was growing up in the 1950s and 60s. I don't recall believing that anyone owed me anything. Not even my parents. I remember being obligated to do as I was told, "or else". I remember being expected to move out as soon as I could support myself financially. I couldn't wait to move out and be on my own. I admit, I failed more than once. Trying and failing teaches you valuable lessons that you can use throughout life. Depending on others just teaches you how to depend on others.
Now days it seems like almost everyone feels like somebody owes them something. Just try to get a kid to rake leaves, mow the lawn or shovel snow. Won't happen. I'm sure we all know families with 20 and thirty-somethings still living with mom and or dad. Well, you know, the economy is bad. For the first time ever. Uh, huh. "You put me on this earth, you owe me." "I deserve this job and I deserve top pay". Why? Because "I'm" here. I, I, I.
I deserve low cost energy. I deserve a job guarantee, I deserve cheap housing, I deserve free health care. It's my right. I'm entitled. And I deserve cheap manufactured goods and cheap food. I don't care if it comes from across the planet and I don't care if it's unhealthy. I don't care how much pollution it causes (although I worship mother earth) to have cheap toys and electronics. Gimme. I'm entitled!


  1. Your right Bitchin Bob, As a parent with a 40yr old still living at home, I could not agree more.

  2. I loved this article. As a parent I have worked to instill the sense of responsibility and self worth that hard work and perseverance brings. However, when their friends have parents that allow that sense of entitlement and actually make it hard for you to be an effective parent along with the lack of support from a school system that is filled with the same you tend to feel you have failed as a parent. I worry about their future because of what they've been allowed to think is OK at other people's homes in comparison to mine.
